J&A has developed a process to help partners determine a compensation structure that is equitable and unique to their firm. Our experience working with multiple law firms allows us to provide meaningful insights and practical solutions when compensation issues arise among partners.
Firm Ownership
J&A helps firms structure processes related to firm ownership, including buy-outs and buy-ins, bringing on new shareholders, transferring ownership interest, and determining share value.
Succession Plans & Exit Strategies
J&A works with equity partners to develop succession plans that are unique to their individual firms, focused on developing their attorneys as firm leaders and rainmakers, and that strategically address the exit of key partners.
Mergers & Growth Strategies
J&A works with firms that want to pursue aggressive growth, are in the process of determining if growth is desired, and with those that want to maintain their current size and status. For those partners/owners who are unsure of where they want their firm to be, we help them reach a decision that meets their personal and professional goals.